Category Men at Play

Men at Play horny muscle hunk Diego Summers’s huge cock raw fucking stud Ruslan Angelo’s hot asshole

Men at Play says: Corrupt politician Diego Summers (returning to MAP after 2-years) and architect Ruslan Angelo meet at a dirty warehouse to discuss an illegal construction project. Suspecting that they are being watched, the two men must be careful.…

Read MoreMen at Play horny muscle hunk Diego Summers’s huge cock raw fucking stud Ruslan Angelo’s hot asshole

Men at Play bald big muscle dude Bruno Max’s massive cock bare fucks Emir Boscatto’s hot asshole

Men at Play says: Emir Boscatto is a successful international businessman interviewing candidates to be his new personal assistant. Bruno Max, an experienced professional, believes he has all the requirements needed for the position and decides to apply. At the…

Read MoreMen at Play bald big muscle dude Bruno Max’s massive cock bare fucks Emir Boscatto’s hot asshole

Men at Play dress suit sex hottie bearded muscle man Leo Rosso bare fucks horny young hunk Ruslan Angelo’s hot hole

Men at Play says: Sexy young muscle hunk Ruslan Angelo is sunbathing by the pool naked when his well-known philanthropist BF Leo Rosso arrives already dressed in his smart designer suit for the award ceremony this evening. He asks Ruslan…

Read MoreMen at Play dress suit sex hottie bearded muscle man Leo Rosso bare fucks horny young hunk Ruslan Angelo’s hot hole

Men at Play bearded muscle hunk Dani Robles bottoms for big muscled stud Sir Peter’s huge thick uncut dick

Men at Play says: Corporate Financial Controller Dani Robles is being given a polygraph by examiner Sir Peter. Mr. Robles is accused of tax fraud cheating the government out of millions of dollars in revenue. The government tax agency is…

Read MoreMen at Play bearded muscle hunk Dani Robles bottoms for big muscled stud Sir Peter’s huge thick uncut dick

Capsule Closet‏ straight man Paddy Obrian and Men at Play get sexually interactive. Press play and jerk away!

This week Men at Play are getting all interactive with super hottie straight man, Paddy O’Brien (or perhaps more iPaddy!).  In Capsule Closet we get to choose what clothes Paddy starts with.  Should he be leather clad, a suit or…

Read MoreCapsule Closet‏ straight man Paddy Obrian and Men at Play get sexually interactive. Press play and jerk away!