Dario DeMarco stats: Age:27 years old, Weight:205 lbs, Height:5’9 ft, Chest:49 in, Waist:34 in, Bicep:18 in
Thigh:26 in, Lang: English, French
Live Muscle Show says: Young naturally built muscle boy Dario DeMarco has the proportions of am Olympian man. His muscular body shows the results of hard gym training which he’s got from over 7 years of passionate weight training.
Broad shoulders, massive biceps, deep shaped protruding pecs and moulded quads and six pack abs of steel, Dario has muscle definition to dream of.
Once he starts moving and you get to know Dario he will let you explore and run your hands over each inch of his physique to take your muscle worship over the edge. Dario’s live show leaves nothing to the imagination.
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